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Membership Application Agreement and Privacy Policy

Membership, payments, and removal policy

a) Membership is automatic upon payment of the annual fee. New applications are reviewed by CARFAC Ontario; as such, new applications may take several days prior to being approved.

b) Voting membership in CARFAC Ontario is restricted to practicing visual artists whose annual dues have been paid, and are resident or normally resident in the province of Ontario, Canada, and meet the International Association of Art definition of “artist”, which provides that:

An artist may be considered professional not only if earning a living through art, but also by one of criteria or in other areas considered, by the cultural criteria of the country, to be within the domain of the fine arts: if teaching art in a school of art or applied art; or if work is often seen by the public or is exhibited frequently; or if recognized as an artist by the consensus of opinion among other professional artists (even if possessing none of the above qualifications).

A member who subsequently does not comply with any of the foregoing requirements shall not be entitled to vote on any matter until such non-compliance is remedied.

c) Non-voting associate membership is open to any individual or association that has an interest in the visual arts in Ontario;

d) Non-voting institutional membership is open to any institution that has an interest in the visual arts in Ontario;

e) Non-voting student membership is open to any student of the visual arts in Ontario;

f) Members may withdraw from membership in CARFAC Ontario by notifying by email the staff and/or Secretary of the Board of CARFAC Ontario of the withdrawal.

g) The Board of Directors may expel from membership any member who does not meet the qualifications of membership as defined by CARFAC Ontario’s by-laws.

h) There will be no reimbursement of membership fees;

i) Membership is not transferable;

j) The Board of Directors may approve limiting or restricting a members’ access to a service or program of CARFAC Ontario if, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, that member has violated any policy provided for that service, or if in the opinion of the Board of Directors that member has conducted themselves in ways that are consistent with the Removal of Members policy.

k) The Board of Directors may, in extraordinary situations, remove a member by giving that member fifteen (15) days notice that they are facing potential for removal. The notice will state the reasons why the member is facing removal and provide sufficient details so that the member can respond to the accusations. At least five (5) days in advance of potential removal, the member will be given the opportunity to address the Board of Directors in writing, orally, by telephone, or videoconference. After this five (5) day period, the Board of Directors may remove that member. Reasons for removal may include, but are not limited to behaviour or communications toward staff, directors, or members of CARFAC Ontario that is violent, discriminatory, is intended to disrupt and/or harm the operations of CARFAC Ontario and its procedures and processes, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, that individual remaining a member poses undue harm or liability to CARFAC Ontario, and its ability to carry out its mandate.


Canadian Artists’ Representation / Le Front des Artistes Canadiens (CARFAC Ontario) is an affiliate of Canadian Artists’ Representation / Le Front des Artistes Canadiens (CARFAC National). CARFAC Ontario maintains a database of its membership containing the following: name, contact information, the artist's medium and career phase. The primary purpose of this database is to facilitate communication with our members; and to provide them with the services for which they join. Upon joining CARFAC Ontario, members automatically become members of CARFAC National. A portion of the membership dues received is remitted to CARFAC National. CARFAC Ontario provides secure access to membership listings to the CARFAC National Office per the Memorandum of Understanding.

Collection of Information Methods
Information is collected from members upon joining and updated throughout their membership. This information is received via telephone and mail. Private information is entered into a database which is accessible only by trusted CARFAC Ontario staff and relevant contractors. The database is stored securely with Wild Apricot Inc. Through Wild Apricot. Inc. email logs including confirmation of emails opened and indication of whether links were clicked, is stored in a database. Email log activity pertains only to correspondence sent via Wild Apricot Inc. including automated system emails, CARFAC Ontario’s newsletter, and other official communication sent to members and contacts; it does not apply to email correspondence to and from individual staff, contractors, members of the board of directors, or


Members of CARFAC Ontario are automatically added to a contact database and receive official email communication from CARFAC Ontario which includes but is not limited to notices of Annual General Meetings, key organizational updates, and a weekly newsletter. Members may opt-out of receiving this correspondence, but do so with the understanding that they will not receive information to which they are entitled in accordance with CARFAC Ontario’s bylaws and provincial law governing not-for-profit organizations including but not limited to notice of members meetings and documents pertaining to those meetings. As such, Members who opt-out of receiving this correspondence thereby release and hold harmless CARFAC Ontario from any and all liability associated with its obligation to communicate to members notices of meetings, documents, and other organizational information.

Payment Gateway System

CARFAC Ontario offers members the option of using Affinipay to remit their membership dues and make other purchases. Affinipay is a Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliant, trusted service provider that processes credit card payments over the internet and remits these payments to the organization. Personal information such as name, address, phone number and payment are then remitted to CARFAC Ontario by Affinipay. Credit card information is not transferred to CARFAC Ontario.

CARFAC Ontario does not provide personal information to third parties with the exception of CARFAC National as outlined above. We are governed by the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Global Privacy Standards Principles outlined by the Government of Ontario

CARFAC Ontario and Visual Arts Stakeholder Privacy Policy

  1. Consent: Upon making contact with CARFAC Ontario, individuals will expressly release consent for the collection and use of personal information for the purposes which CARFAC Ontario has outlined above. Consent may be withdrawn at a later date.
  2. Accountability: Duty of care responsibility for the protection of private information lies with the Executive Director of CARFAC Ontario. If ever, transferring personal information to third parties is required, CARFAC Ontario shall seek equivalent privacy protection through contractual or other means.
  3. Purposes: The purpose of collection of personal information is stated above and relates only to the efficacy of service provided by CARFAC Ontario.
  4. Collection Limitation and Data Minimization: The collection of personal information is limited to that which is necessary for the efficacy of service provided by CARFAC Ontario. The collection of personal information is kept strictly to the membership database software approved by the Board of Directors of CARFAC Ontario. It is accessible strictly by trusted CARFAC Ontario employees.
  5. Use, Retention, and Disclosure Limitation: CARFAC Ontario shall limit the use, retention, and disclosure of personal information to the relevant purposes identified above, except where otherwise required by law. Personal information shall be retained only as long as necessary to fulfill the stated purposes, and then securely destroyed.
  6. Accuracy: CARFAC Ontario shall ensure that personal information is as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as is necessary to fulfill the specified purposes.
  7. Security: CARFAC Ontario assumes responsibility for the security of personal information throughout its lifecycle consistent with the international standards that have been developed by recognized standards development organizations.Personal information shall be protected by reasonable safeguards, appropriate to the sensitivity of the information (including physical, technical and administrative means).
  8. Openness: Openness and transparency are key to accountability. Information about the policies and practices relating to the management of personal information shall be made readily available to individuals.
  9. Access: Individuals shall be provided access to their personal information and informed of its uses and disclosures. Individuals shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.
  10. Compliance: To find out about complaint and redress mechanisms, and communicate information about them to the public, including how to access the next level of appeal.
Requests for information about our complaint and redress mechanisms; questions, comments or complaints about our Privacy Policy can be forwarded to the Board of Directors:


CARFAC Ontario is the association of visual and media artists in Ontario. Our vision is for vibrant, equitable, and sustainable communities in which we as artists are properly recognized for the role we play.


414 - 401 Richmond St. W., Toronto, ON. M5V 3A8

Not open to the public


(416) 340-8534

Toll Free: 1 877-890-8850


Mon - Wed,  11AM - 5PM

Please note that CARFAC Ontario staff are working remotely. As such, email is the preferred method for communication.

CARFAC Ontario is supported by our members and the following organizations:


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